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Monday, September 13, 2010

The Roof is Coming Off!

Future Guest Room
Future Entry to the Laundry Room....no toilet :-)!
Future Master Bedroom-Alan needed to add this temporary wall so the roof wouldn't fall down!
Future Guest room-there won't be a door here anymore; instead a window-Alan is placing a pitched roof here-no more flat roofs-too much of a chance of leaking.  To the right will be a walk in closet.
Current bathroom.....Future bathroom!
Steps to second floor....
One pile of moulding completed....all moulding will need to be stripped and painted.
Second Pile of Moulding....
Future Master Bedroom-this window will face the north...
Not a bed of nails....a drawer of nails-my accomplishments!
Boards safely set on top of the roof with nails sticking out....
Roof of dormer is removed....I believe this is the scaffolding that someone climbed to talk with Tom.
Taking the front part of the roof off....scary looking!
Look at what will be the south end of the house-brick will remain as is and we will add shaker style siding to top portion.
Another view of what will be the south side of the house.
It was a gorgeous day on Sunday!
Alan and has brother Tom have spent the last week and a half tearing off the roof.  I've spent the last few days removing nails from some more moulding from the second floor.  I have almost all of it finished-I spent all day on Sunday working on the project and I did a little "cleaning" inside.  I'm getting super excited to start the fun part of the project-putting it all together and deciding on exact room placement, paint colors, appliances and possibly a surprise in the basement!!!  We have had some very interesting people stop by lately!  One gentleman decided to climb up the scaffolding to ask Tom some questions.  Another person told us that we would have been better off building a new house.  Someone else reminded us that we won't have any yard (yippee....I am so excited about that)!  We met one of our new neighbors-he is really nice and told us what a great neighborhood we are moving into-he has lived in the neighborhood for several years and is a retired teacher (he also mentioned bonfires and beverages in the backyard-YAY)!   We are super excited about all of the neighbors we have met-everyone is so nice!  Also, some old family friends-friends of Alan's parents stopped by and we had a nice chat....Oliver and Ruth.  Lastly, a man from Australia stopped by to ask some building questions of Al.  He has been in Milwaukee/Harley Davidson training-and wanted to get out of the city; so he drove up and saw the house and wanted to know what we were doing,  about the type of windows we are going to use, roofing materials, insulation, etc. as he has plans to do some work on his own home.  It was really nice to talk to him!  We are recycling the copper, aluminum and any other metal from the house; it will be interesting to find out if we make a little bit of money!  The move is going to be very soon!  It will happen during the night....

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