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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We made our goal of 160 bricks!

Today was very productive....we wanted to have 160 brick cleaned by the end of the day....we have 162!  It isn't hard-just time consuming.  I basically used the hammer to chip off the large pieces and then used the more powerful chisel/air compressor of the two we have to clean off most of the mortar....I then passed it on to Alan who completed the final touches with the smaller chisel.  I found it actually kind of fun and a stress reliever!  We plan on cleaning some more brick this Saturday.  The movers were out today and they added some more support to the house in preparation for the move.  Judy, Todd and Noah stopped out and Judy rummaged through the rubble to collect broken brick to use for a base for her compost bin-she plans on making a mosaic pattern of some sort-I'm glad that she can use it-as much recycling/reuse of materials-the better!  We got home about 7:30 tonight-a shower never felt so good!

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