Here is a picture of Alan working on the roof a few weeks ago, along with a picture of the shingles and the shed dormer for the upstairs windows.
This was a busy week at the house, water and sewer lines are now in. Gas is in and we already had electricity. This week....sheet the back wall of the house, install the furnace and begin the plumbing! I love utilities :-)!
A view of the front of the house, you can see that the windows for the upstairs are all installed. We selected a cranberry colored window-we thought that it would look nice with the brick! We had originally thought about a shake style shingle for the siding (look towards the left of the window)....but it looks "too heavy". So, I think we are going with a Khaki color shingle siding (I THINK....:-))!
Just a view of the window for the guest bedroom upstairs. |
Either Jeremy or Josh working on nailing roof shingles. They started at 10:00 this morning and finished this afternoon. Alan has the ridge vent to complete. Also, he is going to build a roof over the existing flat roof that used to be the deck porch for the bedroom upstairs....Al is not a fan of the flat room.
Alan walking on the concrete driveway. Hoffman Brothers completed the driveway and the floor of the garage last week! |
Jeremy and Josh working on the roof! |
Close up of the floor of the garage. |
I worked on organizing the upstairs today. The wood floor up here will all remain-stained a dark color. The area that is not wood in the picture will be the guest walk in closet. Alan will sheet the south wall this week.
Guest bedroom. You can see the new window that is facing the north and the new window facing the east. The windows are primed-so painting will be easy (well as easy as painting can be)....
My happy hubby! |
Our bedroom, two new windows as well. I like the deep windowsill of the window that faces the west. We are keeping the wood floor in here as well.
Our bedroom.....the pile of plastic is where our closet and shower will be; to the left is the bathroom facilities. |
Just a view of the steps going downstairs....I like the little landing. Um, the stenciling will not remain. |
Another picture of the front of the house. Alan removed the wood on most of the front porch-it was in place to keep the porch in place during the move from Dufek Drive to Pine Street. We will be filling in the brick that was removed above the arch. We decide on curved concrete steps to approach the porch. The last step and the remainder of the sidewalk will be poured on Tuesday. The wood front door will remain (new glass) and a new storm door will be added. Alan wants to keep the white window box with the little blue birds....I want it to GO. We'll see who wins this one! The windows on the first floor will receive new scraping and painting is on the agenda. They will be painted the same cranberry color as the new windows on the second floor.
Yay! The roof is on! |
Thanks Jeremy and Josh for your hard work today! |
Basement.... |
Basement |
Basement....I like the decent size windows. Tomorrow....pouring the floor! |
We didn't find one rock of any size during the digging of the basement....however this rock was dug up when the sewer line was dug this week. On top of the rock is a carpenter's pencil. (I don't want to hear about not realizing the scale.....hee hee hee!) |
Alan will build stairs to the basement to the left of the ladder. |