Since my last blog posting several milestones have been met! The beams were removed completely from under the house, that allowed the masons to come in and finish placing block and brick in any of the open holes. Also, we selected a tint to be placed in the mortar that was used to coat the outside of the block; this was also completed. Back filling was completed around the house today; I'm actually surprised as to the size of the lot. I thought that we wouldn't have much of a yard at all-it is actually more than I anticipated-I'm hoping to have lots of plantings and very little grass. The garage received a truckload of sand in preparation for the cement floor. There is also a gravel driveway up to where the garage will be located. Alan has finished the front (north side) of the second story which is the more challenging of the upstairs-this included building the two dormers, building a peak over the front porch entrance and figuring out the placement of the walls. He started nailing shingles on the roof-we selected shingles that have more of an old fashioned look to them; we thought they would compliment the architecture and the age of the house. We have received a number of positive comments on the house from folks walking by the house; which is wonderful! The next step will be for the laterals to be hooked up for water and sewer....soon the cement floor for the garage and the basement will be poured. Tomorrow, Alan will work on more on the second story! More pictures soon....too dark tonight for decent pictures!